Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bummer. . .

I've been posting to this blog for a month and haven't received a single comment.  I'm guessing that means no one is reading it. (Duh).  I made this blog for myself and I must admit it's been therapeutic.

I guess I just had this romantic vision of one of my family members googling my name and stumbling on it, or maybe a complete stranger discovering it and then recommending it to one of their friends. So on and so on until I had a huge following and started getting offers from HBO to do a series based on my blog.

The truth is starting to set in though, which is: I'm occasionally clever, but when you get down to brass tacks, my writing is cliche.  Bad joke intended.  If a stranger runs across my blog, they'll chuckle once or twice (that might even be generous) and that will be that. HBO won't be calling.

It's cool though. I enjoy writing and it makes me feel better sometimes. I just wish one of these times I check it, I'd see a comment. And if I had a follower I'd probably do a happy dance.

Que the music.

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