Sunday, December 20, 2009

Luck, or something like it

So anyway, my wife is the coolest. We have almost nothing in common other than our kids and that we love each other. We often talk about how we've managed to make it in spite of being nothing alike.

I was reading something the other day and it talked about a theory I can't remember the name of, but basically whenever there is a choice of paths that sub-atomic particles can take; you can attempt to force the particle into a certain path. However once you attempt to do that, the particle changes paths before you attempt to manipulate it's original path. The theory basically says that every time there is a choice of more than one path for anything be it sub-atomic particles, electrons, golf balls, people ordering at restaurants or whatever; then the universe divides itself into how ever many choices there are available creating multiple universes to correspond to each choice. Since I can't remember the theory name, I'll call it the divergent universe theory. Anyway, I kinda see like a hundred million alternate universes where we're divorced and bitter towards each other and we're both on our 3rd marriage.

I just happen to be living in the universe where we're still married, we still love each other.

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