Monday, March 15, 2010

I'm not predjudiced, but. . .

Hate is such a rotten thing. That people think nothing of passing it down to their children just because their parents gave it to them. It's such a sad thing.

I'm sure most people have had negative experiences in their life at some time or another with a minority member. I have. But I've also had black mentors. I've had black people hug me when I was hurting. I've had black people help me when there was nothing in it for them. I've had black people pray for me with passion.

But many stories I hear are about a black person doing something lazy, illegal, or whatever. There are lazy white criminals too though. Tolerance people. Get some.

But if they can't bring themselves to not hate people they've stereotyped, then consider this: Beastiality, racketeering, serial killing, insider trading, copywright infringement, intellectual theft, counterfeitting and MANY other crimes are committed almost exclusively by white people. It reminds me of the Dave Chapelle skit about the blind black guy that joins the KKK but no one told him he's black. We all came from the same ancestors. Whether you're a christian or an athiest, then you probably believe we're all related. Think.

If you often tell negative stories about blacks or hispanics, prefacing the story with the phrase, "I'm not predjudiced, but. . ." doesn't mean you're not predjudiced. It just means you want to say something racist without openly declaring your bigotry. Silly racists.

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